Frequently Asked Questions

Which marker is the best for security purposes?

The Tippmann A5/LE-900. The Tippmann LE-900 has been specifically developed for use in the law enforcement and security industry. This non-lethal weapon is capable of firing up to 900 rounds per minute without batteries or electronics. The LE-900 also boasts a metal response trigger, as well as a Cyclone Feed System.

Which device would be best for personal protection?

The Tippmann Tipx Basic Pistol. Its compact design makes it an easily available protection device. With two magazines that can be loaded before use it will be ready when needed. For a smaller device that can fit into a handbag the JPX Jet Protector would be best. With two reloadable and ready to go pepper gel shots, it can be fired in case of an emergency with speed and accuracy. It is available in Green and Orange, with and without a laser.

What sets duke pepper balls aside from any other pepper ball?

Duke Pepper Balls are made with a combination of irritants including 1.1% Capsaicinoids (the active ingredient in chilli peppers). They cause burning or stinging pain to the skin and, if ingested in large amounts by adults or small amounts by children, can produce nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and burning diarrhoea. Eye exposure produces intense tearing, pain, Conjunctivitis, and Blepharospasm.

Who do i contact with regards to maintenance on my tippmann marker?

All Tippmann markers have a 1 year warranty. We also have a fully equipped service Centre to deal with all repairs. The marker gets booked in and evaluated. The report is then sent to the client who gives the go ahead for servicing. Please note that the marker’s warranty will no longer be applicable once the marker has been stripped or its mechanical integrity been compromised.

How does the duke pepper grenade work?

The grenade is 40% filled with pepper powder. The same powder we use in our pepper balls. A 12g CO2 canister is placed inside the core of the grenade. Upon detonation of the grenade, a striker pin punctures the CO2 canister which lets the gas out to build up pressure. This pressure causes the grenade to explode, spreading an instant pepper cloud of about 5 meters across the room. When used outside, this cloud can stretch up to 10 meters depending on the environment (wind and humidity). The cores are all reusable and only the outer and CO2 canister needs to be replaced. We can supply you with both filled and unfilled outers as well as the CO2 canisters. We also sell loose trip wires and striking pins.

What is non-lethal defense, and is it effective?

Non-lethal defense is the use of ground-breaking, effective non-lethal solutions which preserve life, instead of using lethal force in conflict or defense situations. Many armies worldwide are moving towards the use of non-lethal systems as the global call to engage in conflicts in a humane yet effective way grows. Non-lethal systems also complement lethal systems, as they can often be used to neutralise situations, thus negating the use for lethal force.

Should i obtain a license for these products?

The law does not require a license for the use of the non-lethal weapons we distribute.

What are the shooting speeds involved in the pepperball system?

Duke Defense non-lethal weapons shoot projectiles at speeds of between 330 and 380 fps.

Over what distance is the pepperball system accurate?

Our pistols are accurate at distances up to 20m, while our rifles are accurate at distances of between 25-30m.

How long does a weapon hold its gas?

This is dependent on the system you have chosen. For instance, the TiPX pistol is one of the non-lethal weapons we supply as part of the Pepperball System. This pistol punctures the gas on the first pull of the trigger, which means that the 12g gas canister used can last for years until the canister is punctured. Once you have punctured the canister, you will need to replace it. Rifles operate on refillable gas bottles, which lose pressure over time. This loss of pressure is determined by various factors, including where the bottle is stored, the temperature, and how old the seals are.

How many rounds does a weapon hold?

This is dependent on the system you have chosen. The TiPX pistol is one of the non-lethal weapons we supply as part of the Pepperball System. This pistol is supplied with two seven round magazines, giving you a total of 14 rounds.Rifles are either supplied with a hopper or loader, or can be upgraded with these attachments, which gives you 50 to 200 rounds.

Is the solid ball the same as a ceramic ball?

No. The Duke Defense High Impact solid ball is made of glass and contains nylon.

Do your duke ballistic inserts have a shelf life?

No, they don’t because we don’t use the conventional ARAMID fibers.

Have your vests been tested?

Our soft body amour panels conform to SABS – SANS1658:2007 standard and has been successfully tested by the SABS ballistic laboratory in Pretoria.

What level of protection do your custom made vests offer?

We offer International NIJ Standard 01.01.04 Level II and IIIA protection, depending on your requirement. SABS Reports are available at your request.

What materials do you use to manufacture your soft body armour?

We are using – UHMPWE – Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene. Which is up to 40% lighter with better ballistic protection and mobility.